Submitting an application

What should you take into account when applying for funding, and what do we want to know? Read on to find all the information you need about the application procedure for organisations.

First of all: in principle, Fonds 1818 only communicates in Dutch. We very much prefer applications to be made in Dutch and would advise you to find a Dutch-speaker to help with your application. If you’re having problems, please get in touch via and we’ll look for a solution together. 

You should submit your application using the digital application form for organisations (aanvraagformulier voor organisaties, in Dutch). Upload a project plan, and budget showing a breakdown of costs and financing plan along with the application form. If this is the first time that your organisation is applying for a donation from Fonds 1818, please include a copy of your articles of association (this won’t be necessary if you apply again in the future). You’ll need to provide a copy of your registration at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce and a recent annual financial statement with every application. You obviously don’t need to provide an annual financial statement if your organisation has been operating for less than a year.

What should the project plan show?

Your project plan should include the following:

  • A short summary of the project in a maximum of 200 words
  • Description of the plan
  • Background to the project
  • Aim of the project
  • Expected results
  • Target group (or groups)
  • Partners for the project
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the project

The application form asks you for the start and finish date of the project, the number of visitors and/or participants you expect, and the number of volunteers working on the project.

What should the budget show?

A budget is an overview of all the estimated costs (expenditure) and income (revenue). An overview of costs shows all the costs you expect to make. A financing plan is an overview of the income you expect to generate. When compiling a budget, please bear the following points in mind:

  • Make your budget as specific as possible. Itemise your costs. For example: state the hourly rates of any staff you plan to hire.
  • You can submit a minimum and a maximum version of your budget. What are the minimum costs you need to get started, and what would it cost to generate maximum results?
  • If you aren’t quite sure about the costs of your project, remember to include an ‘unforeseen’ item in the budget. We advise setting this at 5 to 10% of the total expected costs.

Multiple funders

Fonds 1818 is almost never the sole backer of a project, as most projects require broad financial cover. Please specify in your financial plan which other funds, municipalities and/or other backers you’ve approached, and the amounts you’ve applied for. The financial plan should also state how much your own organisation is contributing.

Our assessment

We will start to assess your application for funding once we receive the application form. An advisor may contact you for additional information. It usually takes about six weeks to process an application. We will not consider applications for projects due to start within this six-week period. The processing time for applications for over €100,000 is longer.

Approved or rejected?

If Fonds 1818 approves your application, you will be sent an e-mail with a contract and a project number. You should sign and return this digitally, within two months. The contract must be signed by an authorised signatory, such as the managing director, a manager or the chair. If Fonds 1818 rejects your application, you will be informed by e-mail.

Getting started on the project

Once you know exactly when the project is going to start, please send confirmation (Doorgangsbevestiging, in Dutch) to We need so that we know when to transfer our donation. Fonds 1818 will pay out 80% of the amount allocated before the project starts, and the remaining 20% (or part of it depending on the actual costs) once the project finishes.

80% - 20%

We will transfer 80% of the amount allocated before the start of the project.

At the end of the project, you must submit a financial completion statement so that we can transfer the remaining 20% (or part of it, depending on the actual costs).

If your project generates more income than you’d expected, Fonds 1818 will ask you to refund part of the excess. The amount we ask for will be proportional to the part of the funding allocated via fundraising, plus the organisation’s own contribution. Fundraising is taken to mean donations from funds and government grants.

This refund will be deducted from the remaining 20% of the donation. If the refund is higher than this 20%, you will be sent a bill.

Notify us of any changes

You must inform the advisor at Fonds 1818 if there are any changes to the project, to allocations or rejections from other backers, or if the start date changes. The advisor’s name and e-mail address are in the letter that accompanies the contract.

Fonds 1818 logo

We’d be grateful if you would show the Fonds 1818 logo on your website or other promotional material. You can download the logo in various formats.

On completion

Please send your spending declaration (Bestedingsverklaring, in Dutch) with an overview of income and expenditure and an evaluation of activities (evaluatie voor activiteiten (formulier A), in Dutch), or an evaluation of purchase (evaluatie voor een aanschaf (formulier B), in Dutch) to, remembering to state the project number, within three months of the end of the project.
The pale-blue column on this page gives a run-down of all the forms and documents.

Fonds 1818 will then decide how much of the remaining 20% you will receive. This depends on your actual costs.

If the donation was over €100,000, you must also send an audit certificate (accountantsverklaring).